Radio Theory
You can study radio theory with the Royal Aero Club of WA, through our Aeronautical Radio Operator Certificate Course.
Formerly referred to as an Aircraft Radiotelephone Operator Certificate of Proficiency (AFOCP), the new qualification is called an Aeronautical Radio Operator Certificate (AROC). The new qualification is about much more than just ground-based operations that use air band frequencies to communicate with aircraft. It now includes the Flight Radiotelephone Operator Licence which, prior to September 2014, was only required by pilots.

Radio theory careers
Examples of operational ground-based aviation roles that require this certificate include:
- Operations personnel
- HLOs
- Medics
- UAV Operators
- Ground service personnel
- Aircraft engineers (LAME)
- Weather Observers
- Aerodrome reporting officers.
For more information and to register for our next course, call our friendly operations team at Jandakot Airport, Perth, on (08) 9417 0000, and speak to one of our knowledgeable flight instructors.